Monday, October 19, 2015


public class Numbers {

* A predicate for positive integers. Evaluates to false if the Integer is null.
public static final Predicate<Integer> POSITIVE_INT = new PositiveIntPredicate();
* A predicate for positive long value. Evaluates to false if the Long is null or zero.
public static final Predicate<Long> POSITIVE_LONG = new PositiveLongPredicate();

* Returns a big-endian representation of {@code value} as an n byte array, where
* n is the {@code noOfBytes}.
* <p>Returns an empty array if {@code noOfBytes} is {@code 0}
* <p> Example: {@code Numbers.toByteArray(0x1213,3)} will return a byte array
* {@code {0x00, 0x12, 0x13}}.
* @param value any integer value
* @param noOfBytes non-negative number of bytes
* @return a big-endian representation of value as a byte array.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code noOfBytes} is negative
public static byte[] toByteArray(int value, int noOfBytes) {
checkArgument(noOfBytes >= 0, "noOfBytes cannot be negative");

if (noOfBytes == 0) {
return new byte[] {};

byte[] intBytes = new byte[noOfBytes];
for (int i = noOfBytes-1; i >= 0; i--, value >>>= 8) {
intBytes[i] = (byte)value;
return intBytes;

* Returns a big-endian representation of {@code value} as an n byte array, where
* n is the {@code noOfBytes}.
* <p>Returns an empty array if {@code noOfBytes} is {@code 0}
* <p> Example: {@code Numbers.toByteArray(0x12131415,4)} will return a byte array
* {@code {0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15}}.
* @param value any long value
* @param noOfBytes non-negative number of bytes
* @return a big-endian representation of value as a byte array.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code noOfBytes} is negative
public static byte[] toByteArray(long value, int noOfBytes) {
checkArgument(noOfBytes >= 0, "noOfBytes cannot be negative");

if (noOfBytes == 0) {
return new byte[] {};

byte[] longBytes = new byte[noOfBytes];
for (int i = noOfBytes-1; i >= 0; i--, value >>>= 8) {
longBytes[i] = (byte)value;
return longBytes;

* Parses the string {@code value} using {@link Integer#parseInt(String)} and returns
* the parsed value if parsing was successful or returns {@code otherwise} instead.
* @param value string containing integer representation to be parsed
* @param otherwise value to be returned if parsing causes {@code NumberFormatException}
* @return parsed integer value on successful parsing or otherwise instead
public static int parseInt(String value, int otherwise) {
return parseInt(value, Predicates.<Integer>alwaysTrue(), otherwise);

* Parses the string {@code value} using {@link Integer#parseInt(String)} and returns
* the parsed value if parsing was successful or returns {@code otherwise} instead.
* @param value string containing integer representation to be parsed
* @param otherwise value to be returned if parsing causes {@code NumberFormatException}
* @return parsed integer value on successful parsing or otherwise instead
public static Integer parseInt(String value, Integer otherwise) {
return parseInt(value, Predicates.<Integer>alwaysTrue(), otherwise);

* Parses the string {@code value} using {@link Long#parseLong(String)} and returns
* the parsed value if parsing was successful or returns {@code otherwise} instead.
* @param value string containing long representation to be parsed
* @param otherwise value to be returned if parsing causes {@code NumberFormatException}
* @return parsed long value on successful parsing or otherwise instead
public static long parseLong(String value, long otherwise) {
long result = otherwise;
try {
result = Long.parseLong(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
return result;

* Parses the string {@code value} using {@link Integer#parseInt(String)} and returns
* the parsed value if parsing was successful and the parsed value satisfies the
* predicate else returns {@code otherwise}.
* <p>
* Usage: Parse a string which should be a positive integer
* <pre>
*  int parsedPositiveValue = Numbers.parseInt("100", Numbers.POSITIVE_INT, DEFAULT_VALUE);
* </pre>
* @param value string containing integer representation to be parsed
* @param predicate a non-null predicate that the parsed value must satisfy
* @param otherwise value to be returned if parsing causes {@code NumberFormatException}
* or the parsed value does not satisfy the predicate
* @return parsed integer value on successful parsing or otherwise instead
public static int parseInt(String value, Predicate<Integer> predicate, int otherwise) {
int result = otherwise;
try {
result = Integer.parseInt(value);
result = predicate.apply(result) ? result : otherwise;
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
return result;

* Parses the string {@code value} using {@link Integer#parseInt(String)} and returns
* the parsed value if parsing was successful and the parsed value satisfies the
* predicate else returns {@code otherwise}.
* <p>
* Usage: Parse a string which should be a positive integer
* <pre>
*  Integer parsedPositiveValue = Numbers.parseInt("100", Numbers.POSITIVE_INT, DEFAULT_VALUE);
* </pre>
* @param value string containing integer representation to be parsed
* @param predicate a non-null predicate that the parsed value must satisfy
* @param otherwise value to be returned if parsing causes {@code NumberFormatException}
* or the parsed value does not satisfy the predicate
* @return parsed integer value on successful parsing or otherwise instead
public static Integer parseInt(String value, Predicate<Integer> predicate, Integer valueOtherwise) {
Integer result = valueOtherwise;
try {
result = Integer.parseInt(value);
result = predicate.apply(result) ? result : valueOtherwise;
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
return result;

private static class PositiveIntPredicate implements Predicate<Integer> {
public boolean apply(Integer input) {
return input != null ? input > 0 : false;

private static class PositiveLongPredicate implements Predicate<Long> {
public boolean apply(Long input) {
return input != null ? input.longValue() > 0 : false;

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